Posts tagged with Absolute-Africa

  1. Absolutely I’d go with Absolute Africa again

    2016-11-14 02:04:00 UTC

    Africa Thinking of exploring one of the most magical continents but not sure of which tour company to go with? I was in the exact same position last year, and as an ex travel agent I was overwhelmed with the options, so I buckled down and did my research.  On…

  2. Kande beach & local kids in Malawi

    2015-06-13 05:30:00 UTC

    Darkness still loomed when we all crawled out of our tents at 4 am, packing down we sleepily boarded the truck, the engine growled and we were back on the road before the sun had woken. Traffic coming out of the city was chaotic, and slow… It was not even…

  3. The surreal Serengeti and joining Absolute Africa, Tanzania

    2015-05-20 02:58:00 UTC

    The plane arrived on time into Nairobi at 1pm after a five hour flight and we were eager and edgy to get off and bounce right on into Africa! Immigration and customers were a breeze, we payed our $50USD each and had our large visa sicker sealed into our passports…

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