Posts tagged with travelling-africa

  1. Absolutely I’d go with Absolute Africa again

    2016-11-14 02:04:00 UTC

    Africa Thinking of exploring one of the most magical continents but not sure of which tour company to go with? I was in the exact same position last year, and as an ex travel agent I was overwhelmed with the options, so I buckled down and did my research.  On…

  2. Stellenbosch - wine not?! South Africa

    2015-08-03 05:55:00 UTC

    We drove for a wee while through the gorgeous green mountains of SA, until we reached a small village named Citrusdal. Pulling into our lovely campsite in the backyard of a B&B, we were greeted with countless citrus (mainly orange) trees, & also two cute dogs that looked Maltese. We…

  3. House boating with hippos and crocs in Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe

    2015-06-18 05:11:00 UTC

    As we boarded our spacious house boat we were all quick to jump on rooms; Sean and I quickly claimed one of the ‘honeymoon’ suites upper deck which was three single beds (that can be pushed together) a mozie net, some cupboards and best of all an open corner railing…

  4. Zanzibar; a slice of paradise.

    2015-06-11 04:53:00 UTC

    We arrived into the Mikadi camp around 4pm as traffic and city life slowed our tracks. We set up our tents and splashed straight into the pool. The beach front camp was thumping already with beats and drinks, which didn’t stop until about 2 am. Not that we attempted to…

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