Lucky lady

Call it what you will, I call it luck. It’s something I’ve been luckily blessed with, it follows me like a colourful shadow, through thick and thin it sees me through. Luck is on my side. I became aware of this when I lived with Bobsy whist studying in Newcastle about 5 years back, he mentioned several times that I’ve been struck with the McIntyre luck (a luck that he believed ran through his family). Whatever it be that you believe or don’t, a faithful omen seems to have accompanied me through my travels over the past 4 years. I’ve met incredible characters, climbed mountains, and experienced amazing cultures, I’ve spoken words I don’t know and tasted foods I don’t want to know, and have always come out for the better. A recent venture to a 17th century lamasery in inner Mongolia (china) reassured me I had not lost this luck, when I threw my coin into a giant terra-cotta pot of water aiming for a 5cm circumference in the middle at the bottom of the meter depth (where the lucky ones land). My bronze coin splashed through the settled water and flipped straight to the side, hitting it and spearing straight into the middle joining only a few other lucky ones. Coincidence? Perhaps, or a reflection of absolutely nothing? yeah maybe, but I chose to believe in luck.

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