Bangkok bites and Chiang Mai fights, Thailand.

After a long & pretty sleepless flight we touched down in Bangkok. The air was thick with humidity and the monsoon rain had just passed making the sweaty heat sticky. Following the bulk of the people we exited the airport and waited for the train! We were pleased to see the security, because of the bombing two days prior, had been amped up and they were taking appropriate precaution! After the train had been cleared we were safely ushered on board and we headed the hour journey into the city and to our stop. Assulted by the humidity we were glad to find our ‘cosy guest house’ a short walk from the station! 
We checked into a dorm room, freshened up a little and decided to go in search of a some food! We decided on a place back by the station for an average serve of noodles served by a colourful ladyboy still made up in last night’s purple eyeshadow. Back on the train we went to an area renown for its competitive spas and massage parlours! Settling on one quickly, Sean signed into his first massage.. But I assure you no happy ending was offered! Paying a mere $10 for an hour, we finished off with a tasty woody tea and we happy to step out into the darker cooler evening! 
Hungry again we searched through the Muslim quarter for tasty street food, almost ready to give up after an hour we got lucky and found a pad Thai place! Cheap, cheerful, and damn tasty we devoured pad Thai and cold Chang beers, before heading home to bed! 
The next morning I woke up with a kick in my step.. Eager to spend the day shopping at pathumwan markets! Unfortunately in the 8 years since I had last visited.. Like most things the prices have increased and the value has decreased!! The fakes were ugly, overpriced and served with a bad attitude! We headed into the Siam area which was another big mall but I sadly left with no shopping bags! We did come across a innovative brand promotion for ponds who gave us free coffee where a picture of our faces was found on the foam!!! We went down super smoothly and we almost thought we could take on the day again! 

The hot hugging humidity sent us back indoors and we decided on a film.. Enjoying the air-condition room we watched Dark Places! Back out into the early evening and buzzing city, we went to a different area in search of night markets! Unlucky again we found only 3 food trucks down a quiet lane but were happy to sit ourselves on the plastic stools, enjoy a cold beer and devour delicious BBQ pork. 

The next morning, our last in Bangkok was spent washing clothes and organising our heavy packs! We checked out a cool area with funky food markets on the floor level in a shopping centre, and browsed some shops before the day was dusted! b

We collected our luggage and found our sleeper train in good time before its 6:30pm departure to Chiang Mai. Settling in we ordered some pricey and tasteless food and played cards until our eyes became heavy and the churning of the trains engine drifted us into our little cocoons for a restless sleep. The lights stayed lit and peeled through my eyelids like day time, as the train stopped constantly throughout the night! 

My dozing was broken by a call for coffee (which the lady had forced us into ordering the night earlier). The plastic shot glass of week coffee barely lubricated my mouth but left me awake for the last few hours of the journey approaching Chiang Mai. 
The train station was a few kilometres outside the main city square which is pretty much mapped out with a moat and ruins of a wall. We jumped on a communal taxi and were dropped closer to our accommodation. We found La Maison Verte guest house pretty easy, and were quick to offload our bags and head to a German cafe ‘breakfast world’ for food and fuel to wake us up! The garden was leafy and full of tourists, and no wonder; the menu was extensive and full of goodies!! We were super stoked with our feed and left ready to see some sites of Chiang Mai. After a few temples and pricing busses into Laos, we settled in a shady spot to enjoy a fresh fat chilled coconut before heading home! 

After a quick freshen up we wandered out into the early darkened hours of the eve in search of the night Saturday market, and found it easy just south of the city. Food carts and makeshift stalls lined the road, people shoulder to shoulder pushed through to find their bargain! From clothes, bags, mats, trinkets and toys it was a rainbow of colour, a chest of jewels and an easy way to send you home broke! I restrained and we found some tasty street food and a cold beer to enjoy on some super small plastic chairs! By the time was devoured that we had to run up east of the wall to make it to a boxing game we had excitingly purchased tickets to! 
We arrived in good time.. Perhaps even a little too keen I’d say as we were one of the first guests! We found a spot and ordered some over priced beers whilst the first fight took place. Disappointingly they were all quite tame, I think I was expecting intense action assisted with audience ‘ooohhs and arrrhhs’ but there’s was none of that! Each fight took around 20 minutes and there were about 5 before the main event.. Therefore we had drunk our weight in beer before the final fighters finally took to the stage! Scotland saw it through stamina but the Thai guy had some good hits which took its toll on his opponent, claiming his local victory. With all the excitement or lack there of we headed home to bed! 

With a late start to the drizzly morning we escaped the rain an found refuge in the ‘beetroot stories’, which was a tasty vego choice for breakfast! We then broke away from the city walls.. Or what’s left of them and ventured by an affable coffee shop.. Boasting to be Chiang Mais best! We were super satisfied with our large coffees and pushed on to the Art in Paradise exhibition! It was a fun and interactive gallery which is famous for its 3D innovative works! 

En route home we came across the Sunday market which took entire streets hostage & ran for kilometres! Of course I couldn’t refuse and dragged Sean down it dodging from side to side to gaze upon the treasures! He grew hangry and we set off for food settling on street food, beers and some Msg filled curry en route home.. Evidently it was a pretty sleepless night! 
The next morning we snuck out early to find a fabulous coffee shop and enjoyed a ‘Sydney standard’ brekky of eggs! Turns out the edgy man was from Newcastle.. Hence why it looked like we had stepped straight into a Melbourne cafe!!! Racing against time we legged it home to collect our things and jumped on a mini bus bound for Laos! We stopped briefly at the White temple which was absolutely shining with mosaic shards of mirror and white paint! It glistened with a hidden metaphor of death & reincarnation! 

As the border approached after about 6 hours Sean and I were were shifted into a tuk tuk and taken to the border where we were dropped off! We stamped out of Thailand and then had to wait on a bus bound for the Laos border. With little communication and by all means no smile or warming welcome we were ushered into the bus and driven the 10 minutes to the other side! We then paid our money and waited.. And waited.. And waited until she yelled for collection.. It had just clocked over to 4:05pm so we were charged her overtime fee and farewelled her with a scolding stare. 
Finally stepping into Laos land were were waved to by a friendly taxi driver who took us to the main bus station where we waited for the 6:30 departure time! We were all loaded onto the sleeper bus and assigned seats. Unfortunately Sean and I drew the short card and wound up on the first mattress on the floor at the front of the bus.. Therefore we were sharing with locals who would jump on and basically rest their head on our feet! Sean was having ‘personal space’ issues, whilst I had no space! The bus kept stopping and loading on more locals to squat and stare at us whilst we barely slept at all. We arrived into Luang Prabang around 10am and were the first to jump off the crammed and uncomfortable sleeper bus, ready to stretch our legs & explore Laos!

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