Posts tagged with nomad
Wine wouldn’t you hightail to Adelaide!?
2017-10-30 11:59:00 UTCHeading to some one of Australia’s best wine regions but not sure where to start?! Adelaide and surroundings is an absolute gold mine - from foodie delights - producing some of the best cheeses and honey, to…you know it.. Wine!!! That sweet delicious grape, grown with such purpose and potential,…
A two week parent- friendly itinerary to Japan
2017-07-09 05:20:00 UTCDay 1 Book into an Airbnb accessible to the train station - we opted for one a little out of town but in a great little neighbourhood called Keisei Tateishi. Now lets face it after a budget flight and perhaps no sleep you’re not feeling for too much on the…
Wonderfull waterfalls and wet weather, Luang Probang, Laos
2015-09-21 03:27:00 UTCWith no other option we escaped a downpour of rain by jumping in an over priced tuk tuk and heading to our new guest house ‘Villa Thony.’ The bed was big and spread with white linen, the bathroom was average and the mans attitude was poor, he acted like we…
London part two - An English Country Wedding Spectacular!
2015-09-20 03:00:00 UTCThe next morning we were up early… For one very special reason.. Bridie and Tam’s wedding!!! We caught the tube out of London central to meet up with a couple of Bridie’s friends, Daisy & Dave who kindly offered us a lift for the hour & a half journey! It…
Return to rainy Roma and red red wine, Italy.
2015-09-19 02:36:00 UTCArriving back in Rome just before the sun had set, we found our next AirBnB with ease. Checking into our room, we picked up some supplies from the next door supermarket, & had a healthy & very tasty tuna & feta salad for dinner, along with a few Aperol Spritz’…
Cape Town Peninsula, Scaling Lion’s Head, & Magical Madame Zingara’s - South Africa
2015-08-07 00:19:00 UTCThe next morning we decided to head out for a takeaway coffee and scout for some Saturday vintage markets, in luck we found a few okay ones to scavenge around and I went home with a new dress! After a quick lunch at home with a view of Table Mountain…
Fish River Canyon, Namibia
2015-08-03 05:04:00 UTCThe following morning we were up & ready to go by 8am. We were on the truck, & within a few hours we made it to Fish River Canyon. The canyon is said to be the the second largest in the world after the Grand, however, there is controversy as…
Sri Lanka’s South; beaches, beers and bikes, part one
2015-05-01 04:49:00 UTCTaking off again for another adventure, this time not alone but hand in hand with my love, Sean. We hugged out our love and appreciation with my beautiful parents, brother and sister in law who once again kindly dropped us to the airport. As tears rolled down mum’s face she…
Flying high in Cappadocia, Turkey
2012-08-10 03:42:00 UTCWaking up at just past 5 to Dan smiling widely as she snapped away a blissful sunrise. Still on the bus we looked out into the distance to see a sky of raging orange spotted with tiny little balloons; that’s when we decided we were going hot air ballooning in…
Sleeping under stars, sailing and saluting the rising sun, Turkey
2012-08-01 06:06:00 UTCAn entire day by the pool, as we got too drunk the night before, then a bus to Palmakale and onto Turgetries, beers circumcision, and our apartment, market and beach, beers, and a night club street, home at 5am, slept till 4, beach, gozlemes, home, morning bus to fethiye, shuttle…
Living in Lagos and a little trip to Lisbon
2012-07-13 08:48:00 UTCArriving at the bus station in faro an hour earlier than I had anticipated I set off to find chloe assuming she would not be too far. After a brief stroll in the port of faro sweating in my black plane clothes I put some pennies in a pay phone…
Small snakey canals and cobble stone streets; St Petersburg
2012-05-28 04:59:00 UTCArriving at Moscow train station at about 11pm it was absolutely buzzing with all sorts of colourful characters! Our train finally departing at 12:50 am and we were pleased to leave behind the mush of army men and police gazing at us. The four birth cabins were the cleanest and…
Caviar to quad biking at Lake Biakal
2012-05-07 11:19:00 UTCGetting only about 4 hours sleep on our train journey, we woke to a russian woman shaking our feet to get ready for our arrival into Irkusk. Stepping of the train we were greeted by Costa, our Russian honcho who definitely looks the part; strong jaw line, thick accent and…
Independent Ulan Ude
2012-05-06 10:37:00 UTCBack on the train we were bound for Russia, but not without a lengthy and intimidating border crossing process from the Russian guards. What we thought was going to be about a 12 hour over night journey turned into 24 hours. However some Mongolian red wine and a little bit…
North China/Inner Mongolia, all aboard the Vodka Train
2012-04-28 07:18:00 UTCAfter stocking up on snacks and booze, with our bags pack the twelve us were ready and raring for our first train journey towards inner Mongolia (still within china).We were all pleased to be apart of the tour when we were told that we had a bus transfer to our…
BRILLIANT Beijing & that GREAT Wall
2012-04-26 06:37:00 UTCBeijing has been the best. After arriving off the bullet train we waited in a taxi line for at least an hour, watching over one hundred taxis pass before it was our turn. (We know this because we counted them and turned it into a rhyming song.) Arriving at the…
Hong Kong to Yangzhou, & the ancient city of Xing Ping
2012-03-29 01:36:00 UTCTime to relax and time to blog from a rooftop bar in Yangshao at Monkey Jane’s. This week has been nothing short of eventful from the terrible flight to Kuala Lumpur to an over night bus trip through China Hong Kong was wonderful, while we only spent two nights, we…
Nomadic dreamer
2012-03-01 06:16:00 UTCI am not walking away from anything. I am not hiding, or escaping. I am proud of where I come from and who I am. I have lived a life, rich in love and happiness. Sometimes mistakes are made, often I feel regret and guilt. I worry about worry and…